Antonine Sisters Child Care Centre
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is inspired and guided by the unique interests, strengths and actions of all children, as well as by the spontaneous events that occur every day.
Out of this arise the foundations for play and learning experiences that stimulate and support children through their own learning journeys. Educators engage in an ongoing process of observing, analysing, planning and reflection to foster each child’s learning and development.
We believe that by providing children with freedom of choice and offering a wide variety of opportunities, resources and interactions, we are creating and facilitating a developmentally appropriate curriculum where children will be encouraged to develop at their own pace.
Our curriculum is child-focused and built around children’s
Individual and group interests
We aim to enhance each child’s learning by:
encouraging children to be responsible for their own learning through choices in experiences, interests and routine
using conversations, actions and play as the basis for teaching
involving children as partners in teaching by seeking out ideas, opinions, thoughts and questions
encouraging the children to further their independence and self-help skills by assisting with the routine
involving the children in interesting projects to further their learning and knowledge
involving the families as partners to gather a comprehensive picture of the whole child
promoting positive relationships with individuals and in group experiences (small and large)
using the physical environment as a third teacher to promote choices throughout the day
giving children control of the day within a flexible and consistent routine.
The Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF), ‘Belonging, Being, Becoming’, forms the basis of our curriculum.